
We are a website that reviews products and tries to bring the most up-to-date information for our users. Our links with other websites, service providers, and products might be of some interest to those who are currently using our website or might use it in the future. We are not responsible for the privacy policies, terms of service, and other content of such websites. Please make sure that you are reviewing all the applicable restrictions and warnings of the websites that are linked with us.

These disclosures comply with the laws and are completely transparent about any information and all associations with other websites that are linked to our website. If you decide to click on the provided links and it takes you to the linked website. There, it will set a cookie in your web browser and we will be receiving commission from the owners of the linked website.

This is a completely legitimate method to make money and manage expenditures that come with running a website. We are ready to disclose our monetary relationship with other websites to you. Along with that, we are fully disclosing that in most cases hyperlinks on this website have been abbreviated, and in some cases, they have been masked to cover the long links for operations and tracking. These are quite common practices for many websites. Also, we are not hiding anything from you and we are quite delighted to have a relationship with some great providers for this website.

Changes and Updates in Terms of Service

You can expect us to make changes or updates in our terms of service page whenever needed. We will change, add, or update the content material on the website with our without prior notice depending on the changes and updates. We hold no obligation or responsibility for any mistakes or omissions you might find in the content of this website. You would be using this website at your own risk. Under no circumstances will our website be legally responsible to you or any other person for any incidental, special, or resulting damages of any kind that might occur because you accessed our website and used any of the information on this website.


We have built our website to share information about different products and services with our online readers. But to run the website, you need funds and we make a significant part of our money from advertising and affiliate programs.


Advertising and sponsorship are some of the key means to make money on digital platforms. We have a steady flow of website traffic and using it to our advantage we place advertisements on our website pages. Paid placements are designated in Google Adwords. This is usually along with the ad for banners, or under the article for sponsored posts.

Affiliate programs

While accessing our website, you must have seen some affiliate links. If you click on one of these links and buy a product or service on that linked page, this will help us earn a commission on your purchase. The compensation or commission we receive from third-party websites does not impact the content, articles, and reviews that we post on this website.

Before using any affiliate links for companies, we make sure that they are offering a valuable and genuine product or service in return for your money. When you are clicking on the affiliate links, you are not only buying yourself a product or service, you are also enabling us to make money and continue working on our website without interference.

At times, our articles also consist of links that do not make us any money even when you click on them. We add those links to provide you with valuable information available on different platforms.

Non-compensated reviews

We do not get compensated to share our views on websites, products, services, and many other topics. All the reviews and opinions stated on this website are only the result of the detailed research done by our team. Based on our expertise, we only choose those products to endorse that we believe are worth your time and money. Any claim, value, or any other information about a product shared on our website should be corroborated through official sources of the manufacturer of that product.